In this section, the CLI argument is listed followed by the Workbench TOOL
 TYPE enclosed in parentheses.  If an example is included to illustrate an
 argument, the example shows both the CLI argument and the corresponding TOOL

 Required Arguments (ToolTypes shown in parentheses)

 NOTE - All command line options should be lower-case

 <library> (LIBRARY=)    Specifies any run-time library (without the
            ".library" suffix).

            Example:    exec        (LIBRARY=exec)

 <offset>  (OFFSET=) Specifies the library base offset of the function
            being WEDGEd.  It must be expressed as a negative
            offset in hexadecimal form.

            Example:    0xff28  (OFFSET=0xff28)

 Optional Argument Pair

 NOTE:  REGS and PTRS must be used in conjunction with each other.  If you
       supply one option, you MUST supply the other.  They cannot be used

 <regs>  (REGS=)     Hexadecimal word (format 0xHHHH) representing the
            registers that should be reported.  Each bit set in
            the word represents a 68000 register, with the bits
            from right to left, representing d0 through d7 then
            a0 through a7.

            Example: To monitor d0, d1, a0 and a6, the bit
                 pattern would be:

                                         a6        a0    d1  d0
                                                  /        /
                                 Binary:  0100 0001 0000 0011

                             Then convert binary nibbles to hexadecimal:

                                  Binary<>Hex Conversion Table

                                 0000=0  0100=4  1000=8  1100=C
                                 0001=1  0101=5  1001=9  1101=D
                                 0010=2  0110=6  1010=A  1110=E
                                 0011=3  0111=7  1011=B  1111=F

                 This example converted to hex is

                                              HEX 4 1 0 3

                                 The regs argument would be:

                 0x4103     (REGS=0x4103)

 <ptrs>    (PTRS=)   The hex word (format 0xHHHH) representing the
            monitored registers that point to the data you want
            reported.  This is especially useful for monitoring
            text strings passed as function arguments. The first
            16 bytes of the data will be reported in both hex
            and ASCII.  The hex word is formed the same way as
            for the REGS option.

            Example:  If d1 and a0 are pointers:
                    0x0102  (PTRS=0x0102)

 f   (FORBID=TRUE)   Causes WEDGE to Forbid() before calling the WEDGEd
            function.  WEDGE will not call Permit() until Result
            is returned.  This flag is only meaningful if Result
            reporting is in effect.  When you are monitoring
            tasks that are calling the same functions, this flag
            can help to synchronize Result reports with other
            WEDGE output by attempting to prevent multitasking
            until the function returns.  Functions that Wait()
            and local output will break this Forbid().

 k   (KILL=TRUE) Kills this WEDGE.  Use KILL=TRUE for a kill-only
            icon.  Use KILL=FALSE for an install-only icon.  If
            a KILL TOOL TYPE is not present, the icon will
            toggle WEDGE in and out.)

 l   (LOCAL=TRUE)    Selects studio reporting.  In this mode, WEDGE can
            only report the function calls of non-FORBIDden
            processes with available stack of at least 1800
            bytes.  (Only 300 bytes are needed for serial or
            parallel output.)  In addition, function calls made
            by the Local output handler will not be reported.
            (The Local output handler is usually a window, but
            it may be another handler if CLI output redirection
            was used.)

            In all output modes, WEDGE will bypass reporting if
            the caller's available stack is too low for safe
            execution of the output function.  All unreported
            calls are tallied, and a count is presented at the
            next report. The available stack safety feature may
            be turned off (at your own risk) with the UNSAFE
            TOOL TYPE or with the CLI 'U' flag.

 n   (NOISY=TRUE)    Notifies user of WEDGE installation and removal.

 p   (PARALLEL=TRUE) Selects parallel reporting, instead of serial.  By
            default, all debugging output is directed to the
            serial port and may be received by a terminal,
            serial printer or a second computer running terminal
            software.  Optionally, the output can be directed to
            the parallel port or displayed locally.

 r   (RESULT=TRUE)   Monitors the return value of reported functions. An
            Id number is assigned to each reported function
            call.  That call's Return value report is tagged
            with the same Id number. This allows you to match
            calls and return values, even if multitasking causes
            other WEDGE reports to be output in between them.

 a   (RESULTP=TRUE)  Monitors what the result points to.

 s   (STACK=TRUE)    Monitors stack limits and pointer.

 x   (EXCLUDE=TRUE)  Excludes tasks in the tasklist from reporting.

 u   (UNSAFE=TRUE)   Reports regardless of the available stack.  Use this
            option at your own risk.  When WEDGE is run from the
            CLI, the U flag may not be grouped with other flags
            (there must be a space before it).

 z   (ZAP=TRUE)  When used in conjunction with the k option, z lets
            you force the unloading of a WEDGE that is still in
            use.  Generally this is a very dangerous thing to
            do.  But, occasionally, it is necessary because a
            WEDGE that is unWEDGEd with kill will not be
            unloaded if there is still an "occupant" in the
            WEDGE. This can occur if you have WEDGEd Wait() with
            Result reporting, and a task calls Wait(0), which
            will never Return.  In this case, you can use the z
            option to force the unloading of the Wait() WEDGE.
            Note:  A new WEDGE may not be installed in a
            function if an old one has not been unloaded.

                Usage -- CLI:  Opt KZ
                         TOOL TYPES:    KILL=TRUE

 "b=rate"  (BAUD=RATE)   Sets the serial hardware baud rate.  This option is
            ignored if Parallel or Local output is requested.
            The baud rate is determined by the last value stored
            in the serper register. When you boot your system,
            the hard ware is set to 9600 baud.  If you use the
            serial.device or SER: before using WEDGE, the serper
            (serial period) register may contain a different
            rate.  Use this option to reset the baud rate for
            WEDGE.  If run from CLI, the b option without a
            specified rate will set 9600 baud.  If you also use
            the d option to enter ROMWACK, you must use 9600
            baud since ROMWACK forces 9600.  Use quotes if you
            are passing this parameter to a script.

 "c=text" (COMMENT="text") Allows you to include a comment with each report.
             The comment is generally the name and register
             argument descriptions for the function being
             WEDGEd.  From CLI, quotes must be used around the
             entire C= string if the comment contains spaces.
             If entered from the Workbench, everything to the
             right of the = sign should be in quotes.  The WEDGE
             comments are displayed when you do a WEDGE List. If
             a WEDGE has no comment, its offset and library will
             be listed.

                              Usage -- CLI:       "c=AvailMem d1=Type"
                                 TOOL TYPE: COMMENT="AvailMem d1=Type"

 d=n (DEBUG=n)   Causes a call to Debug() on the nth reported call of
            the WEDGEd function.  (This option is only valid in
            a serial WEDGE.)  By default, Debug() invokes the
            system's built-in 9600 baud serial debugger ROMWACK.
            Since ROMWACK forces 9600 baud, you should only use
            this option in a 9600 baud WEDGE (unless you have a
            resident serial debugger that works at other baud

            If Result reporting (opt r) is in effect, the call
            to Debug() will be made AFTER the WEDGEd function
            has been called and its result reported.  If Result
            reporting is not on, Debug() will be called after
            the normal WEDGE report and immediately before WEDGE
            actually calls the function.  This allows you to
            enter the debugger either before or after the WEDGEd
            function has been called.  In both cases, you will
            enter the debugger with all of the function caller's
            registers intact, except for a6 which will contain
            ExecBase.  The first two values on the stack will be
            the return address for Debug() and the caller's a6.

            When you exit the debugger, you will be prompted
            "Debug again <y or n>?" at the serial terminal.  By
            entering 'y', you can Debug successive calls to the
            WEDGEd function.  Note that Debug will not be
            invoked if the caller is running on the system stack
            because the caller may be an interrupt.

            You will also be asked whether you wish to Wait
            the calling task.  If you say yes, the calling task
            will be placed in a  Wait for CTRL-C.  You can
            then use local debugging tools to examine memory.
            When you are ready to restart the calling task,
            you can use BREAK to restart the task (if it
            was started from CLI) or the Software Tools
            "breaktask" command to send a CTRL-C to any
            named Exec task or CLI command.

            When run from the CLI, the d option used without an
            argument is equivalent to "d=1."

                Usage -- CLI:       "d=6" or opt d
                                         TOOL TYPE: DEBUG=1

 "t=tasklist"        Limits reporting to the tasks named in Tasklist.
 (TASKS="tasklist")    This is useful for monitoring the function calls of
            a particular task or group of tasks.  If the x
            option (EXCLUDE) is used, the tasks in the tasklist
            are instead excluded from reporting.  This is
            useful for screening out any Amiga OS tasks that
            make heavy use of the function being monitored.

            The tasklist should be in quotes, and multiple task
            names should be separated by a vertical bar.  WEDGE
            will compare the tasklist names against both Task
            node names and the command name of any CLI invoked
            command which calls the WEDGEd function.

            WEDGE also recognizes two special task names:

                System: Matches any code running on system
                    stack (interrupts, etc.).

                All: If this is the only task name in the
                     list, the list is ignored.  This allows
                     you to disable the TASKS TOOL TYPE
                     without removing it from the .info file.

                Usage -- CLI:       "t=System|CON|wedge"
                             TOOL TYPE: TASKS="System|CON|wedge"